Tin tức

4 cấu trúc câu cơ bản trong Tiếng Anh

Viết bởi: Walden University, 17 06 2020
Simple Sentences
  • She wrote.
  • She completed her literature review.
  • He organized his sources by theme.
  • They studied APA rules for many hours.

Compound Sentences
  • She completed her literature review, and she created her reference list.
  • He organized his sources by theme; then, he updated his reference list.
  • They studied APA rules for many hours, but they realized there was still much to learn

Complex Sentences
  • Although she completed her literature review, she still needed to work on her methods section.
  • They studied APA rules for many hours as they were so interesting.
  • Because he organized his sources by theme, it was easier for his readers to follow

Compound-Complex Sentences
  • She completed her literature review, but she still needs to work on her methods section even though she finished her methods course last semester.
  • Although he organized his sources by theme, he decided to arrange them chronologically, and he carefully followed the MEAL plan for organization.
  • With pizza and soda at hand, they studied APA rules for many hours, and they decided that writing in APA made sense because it was clear, concise, and objective.

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