A typical lesson plan for Grade 3 Science
Lesson plan for Life Cycle of A plant
Prepared by: Teacher Le Quoc Chon
Subject: Science for Primary School
Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Approximate Time Needed: 30 – 45 minutes
Summary: The purpose of this lesson is to help students learn the basic concept of plant life cycle, to read and understand the life cycle diagram. We use Jalapeno Pepper as an example. Students learn through working in groups and using materials and resources for hands-on activities.
Essential questions:
What is a life cycle? Of animals and of plants?
How does a seed grow into a plant?
What are the needs for a seed to grow?
What are the main parts of a plant?
What are the 4 stages in the life cycle of Jalapeno Pepper?
What are the differences between adult plant and young plant?
Can you grow a plant?
How to take care of the plant?
Key words to remember and understand:
Life cycle
Stages: seed, seedling, young plant and adult plant
Seed coat, Germination, Nutrients
Life cycle of Jalapeno Pepper
Definition: A life cycle is the stages of development and growth that living things go through.
There are 4 stages in the life cycle of Jalapeno Pepper: seed, seedling, young plant and adult plant.
- Seed
All plants go through a life cycle which is the changes happen to a living thing. And most plants start as seeds. The seed sucks in water, and gets bigger and bigger over times. This is called germination. Seeds need water, warmth, sunlight and soil to grow.
- Seedling
Next, a little root grows into the soil and a sprout grows into the air. The sprout takes in sunlight, nutrients, and water. At this stage, it is called a seedling. Seedling has a few small leaves.
- Young plant
The seedling grows into a young plant. The roots go down deep into the soil searing for water and nutrients. The stem becomes stronger and thicker. The leaves get bigger.
- Adult plant
A plant is called an adult when it stops growing. At this stage, it grows flowers and the flowers have small seeds inside them. The seeds will grow and ready to start new life cycle again.
Write the words: seed, seedling, young plant and adult plant into the boxes in the following diagram.
Main parts of a plant: root, stem, leaf, flower and fruit.
Questions to check for understanding about Life cycle of Jalapeno Pepper
- What is the first stage of the life cycle of Jalapeno Pepper?
- What is the last stage of the life cycle of Jalapeno Pepper?
- What does the seedling grow into?
- During the life cycle, when do flowers appear?
- The seeds stay inside the fruit. Is this good for the plant? Why?
- What must be the condition for the seeds to grow into seedling?
Home project: choose one option
- Students start with seeds (rice, bean, tomatoes, sunflower) and grow a plant, then bring to class after 2 weeks. Materials needed: seeds, plastic cup or bottle, soil, water, marker.
- Student prepare a poster (A3) explaining life cycle of a Jalapeno Pepper. Materials needed: drawing paper, pencil, color pencil and marker.
References: Look up on the internet or in your garden for more magic about plants!
(Plant's Life Cycle | BBC Bitesize | science)
(EduwaySCIENCE: Life cycle of Sunflower)
See my slides for the lesson (pdf)